
Archive for September, 2013

HowTo: Semi-Restore via SSH

by on Sep..12, 2013, under HowTo - Guides, iPad, iPhone, Software


SemiRestore is a tool developed by CoolStar to reset A5+ devices on iOS 5.0-6.1.2 to as far back to stock as possible while still retaining the jailbreak.

For any reason there isn’t a Mac version of Semi-Restore anymore to download on To sending a phone to repair service or  it has been sold without private datas und without loosing the jailbreak Semi-Restoretool is the best.  The methode via SSH worked fine for me and here is the step by step HowTo-Guide:


Step 1: Make sure a working SSH-Connection can be astablised with our phone. Otherwiese – Launch Cydia and install OpenSSH and APT 0.7 strict.

Step 2: Download the newest SSH-Version of SemiRestore

Step 3: Launch Terminal on your computer. "cd" to the folder containing the Semi- Restore download from step before.

Step 4: Copy Semi-Restore to the root directory of your device with the following command:

scp SemiRestore-1.0.3 root@      (Note: 1.0.3 is the latest version)

Step 5: Continue the process and SSH into your device with its IP address using this command: ssh root@ip-adress-of-your-device

Note: Enter root password (default is “alpine” if you do not chanced it)

Step 6: Next, "cd" to the /var/root directory within the iOS device make the file executable and initiate the process:

chmod +x SemiRestore-1.0.3


Step 7: Start Semi-Restore with pressing the "0" (Zero) button on your keyboard and follow the commands on terminal app

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